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  • Writer's pictureRiley Henderson

Chosen Ones by Veronica Roth


This is probably the longest review I've written. Largely because it took me probably two months to read. I wrote this review in parts similarly to how the novel is segregated and as I picked it up and pushed it aside throughout the time I was reading it. At war with trying to decide whether I loved or hated it.


Well where should I start....I'm currently a third of the way through Chosen Ones - Yes I'm writing this half way because I put it down a month ago and haven't picked it up since.

When I started the book I was intrigued and highly enjoying the story, I still do...but for some reason it, isn't something desperately pulling me back, I have every intention of finishing the story and seeing where it goes next.

I have found Veronica's books in the past have a similar trend. It took me a good 1/4 of the book to get into Carve the Mark of which a series I quite enjoyed but it was a little slow off the bat. Veronica's stories, I have to say always keep me on my toes, I never know where it is going to go next.

The Chosen Ones, I loved the concept of this book! Hearing from the 'superheroes who saved the day' after the main event was so unique. The books we read always follow the battle of the bad guy and end with the defeat and happy ever ending, but we never hear what happens to those characters after that.

I love how it shows the psychological and flow on effect of experiencing such a life altering ordeal. I also found the power play in a group dynamic extremely interesting!! Matt being the leader in their epic battle and feeling like he can dictate their lives and friendships as life goes on after. Showing how a life changing battle against evil and the dynamics of their friendship transition back to everyday life post battle.

A quote that I loved was "I'm tired of being celebrated for the worst thing that ever happened to me" which is such a powerful statement and also relevant in today's society. Living in a digital age where your past is nothing but a click away it's easy to be reminded of a past wrong and being held accountable for it today, despite the years of life and experience where opinions change over years, but your past nothing but a tweet away.

At the end of every chapter there is a newspaper or article in an altered format, which was refreshing and new. The reports at times were hard to understand and follow, but I liked the element it brought to the book. They felt slightly irrelevant/for the sake of it at times. But I liked the format and diversity it added to the story.


Soo I dove back in, taking it chapter by chapter to finish the novel and experience the relief of burden it's been holding over me, it's been burning holes in my eyes staring from my bedside table.

Spoilers ahead----

Part 2 of the novel we find ourselves in the alternate dimension, which shocked me completely!! I did not see that coming in the slightest!!

It was interesting and intriguing from this point forward. It felt a bit like a character dump at times with the new characters and lack of explanation. I decided to move to the audiobook version, soo I could listen while doing something else to speed ahead in the novel!

The story finally picked up here and I found myself intrigued to know what was going to happen next. I kept wondering why it was that I was struggling soo much to really delve into the world of these characters. I came to the realisation that, I think it's the fact there is very little endearment throughout the story and between the characters.

The entire part two is centred between exploring the new altered universe and Sloane failing time and time again to master any sense of magic. Add that onto the fact for a trio meant to be working together to save the world, they are the furthest thing from friends. With constant bickering and underlying contempt between each other they are all so isolated from one another. There is zero underlying excitement or relationship spark to compel the story forward in the times of hardship, so its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Then anyone Sloane meets and has a close friendship or connection with turns out to be somewhat evil or dies. The realistic nature of Sloane and Matthew's dynamic from friends to lovers to Ex's and all the time in-between was realistic and extremely well done!! Almost soo realistic that there is nothing worth holding onto anymore and makes me want nothing to do with it!


All I can say about part 3 is....finally...I actually wanted to keep reading this chapter after chapter. I think it was partially out of excitement to reach the end and also because there is some actual meat to the story.

3/4 of the novel is soppy and depressive in nature as Sloane's life seems to go wrong in every possible way. Her friendships, relationship and the world is literally a mess, the joyful scenes are even dreary.

We meet Mox whom I had ridden off as the bad guy part way through....with a little switch arooo we have ourselves a love interest and saviour all in one. However the nature of their dynamic felt false and laking. Finally Sloane has someone she spoke to without resentment but even the two of them together fell short. They jumped from zero to 100 real quickly with soo much skipped over that it felt almost is if why? It was like we needed an undying happy element or reason to keep reading and their relationship was the one she chose to help pull the story along. But it didn't really feel like a relationship more like the only person in her life who didn't hate her soo she gravitated towards him.

The flashbacks of Matt and Sloane's relationship was written with more emotion then I found in the new dynamic between Mox and Sloane. I didn't feel the sense of chemistry between the two, I can understand the PTSD element and the effect that can have on life and the impact that has on relationships but it felt like that was the biggest tone of the entire book, and that dreary side is not a joy to read.

And The Dark One ----I'm not even sure where I should start.


All he wanted was to die, The Dark One went through killing and pulling people from alternate dimensions purely because he was immortal and wanted to die. It just felt like I had been robbed. The entire book lead up to this final moment where he lead to this epic battle where he basically surrendered and said kill me and be damned the rest.

3/4 of the novel is spent exploring new places without enduring friendship dynamics or smaller story arcs to pull it through to the end. The romantic energy between Sloane and Matt or Mox lacks emphasise and desire on either parties front.

Lastly we arrive to the renewed world - where everything is a giant Question Mark. It was like Umbrella Academy as Five tries to pull them all through time travel and they all end up in 1960s but in different years - all lost and clueless as to what is happening. I'm a little speechless having finished, I was like....did I just read all that for nothing, its almost as if the entire slate is wiped clean, but it was clean to begin with soo why did we waste time cleaning it.

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