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  • Writer's pictureRiley Henderson

If it resonates it's real...

Updated: Jun 28, 2022

'Books are a fantasy world I love to live in'

I could easily spend hours with my face behind the pages of a good book however in the last few years with life getting in the way and the digital ages as it is, sitting in front of Netflix for hours has become the foreseeable pastime. I was prompted by a close friend to read a series she loved, which has brought me back to here, reminding me why I loved reading to begin with. Instead of watching a movie on the big screen, your creating the characters and scenery in your mind....being able to escape to a fantasy world every time you turn a page.  

It's amazing how a sentence or phrase can encapsulate a thousand images.

Below are a few quotes I have come across, that have captured my interest and I couldn't  help but put pen to paper...

- This was Will; however mercurial and passing his moods, however charming he was when he was in a good one, he was poison for her. For anyone. (Clockwork Prince)

- It's alright to love someone who doesn't love you back, as long as they're worth you loving them. As long as they deserve it. (Clockwork Angel)

- She looked at him, wishing she could ask him to go back to calling her Miss Gray. Just the way he said her name undid her...She wished he wouldn't use her Christian name, but knew how ridiculous it would seem if she made the request. It would certainly spoil all her work, training herself to be indifferent to him. (Clockwork Prince)

- Why had he shown her such sweetness when she knew that he despised her? And why, when she knew that he was the worst thing in the world for her, did sending him away seem like such a terrible mistake? (Clockwork Prince)

- Unrequited love is a ridiculous state, and it makes those in it behave ridiculously. (Clockwork Prince)

- I can't.....because if it wasn't real than I didn't loose anyone. But if I say that it was real and he still doesn't want me...(To All the Boys I've Loved Before)

- I didn't know you could miss someone more acutely when they're only a few feet away. Maybe it's because he doesn't look at me, not even once. I didn't fully comprehend what a big part of my life he'd become. He'd become so familiar to me. And now he is just gone. Not gone, still here, just not available to me, which might be even worse. For a minute there it was really good. It was really, really good. Maybe really, really good things aren't meant to last for too long, maybe that's what makes them all the more sweet, the temporariness of them. (P.S. I still Love You)

- Maintaining what I hope came across as an impenetrable expression, and an appealing degree of mystery. I'm not even sure why I'm trying to impress the guy. He's so attractive it feels instinctive - which in itself is irritating (Essence)

- I want you to be happy and him to be happy. And yet when you walk that aisle to meet him and join yourselves forever you will walk an invisible path of the shards of my heart. (Clockwork Princess)

- I do not know who to be without him....Tessa is gone and every moment she is gone is a knife ripping me apart from the inside. She is gone, and they cannot track her, and I have no idea where to go or what to do next, and the one person I can imagine speaking my agony to is the one person who cannot know. (Clockwork Princess)

- You've been blessed with a broken heart, when it doesn't hurt anymore that's when its really over, live in this as long as you can. (Someone Great)

- My hope is that if we add up the one mores, they will add up to a lifetime and I will never have to get to the part where I let you go. (Someone Great)

- When something breaks, if the pieces are large enough you can fix it, unfortunately sometimes things don't break they shatter, but when you let the light in shattered glass will glitter and in those moments in the pieces of what we were catch the sun, ill remember how beautiful it was, how beautiful it will always be because it was us and we were magic. (Someone Great)

- Have you ever wanted something with your whole being, but there were so many obstacles it seemed like you wouldn't get it. So you try to stop dreaming; but you can't make yourself stop so you just live with it quietly; in hell. (Greys Anatomy)

- The worst part of being okay is that okay is far from happy. Okay is that grey space in the middle where you can wake up each day and carry on with your life, even laugh and smile often, but okay isn't joy. Okay isn't looking forward to each second of your day, and okay isn't getting the most out of life. Being okay is what most people settle for, myself included, and we pretend that okay is fine, when we actually hate it, and we spend majority of our time waiting to break out of being okay. He gave me a taste of how great life can be outside of okay, and I've missed it ever since. I've been okay for a long time, and I'm not sure how to get out of it now, but I hope for the day that I can say I'm great instead of I'm okay. (After Ever Happy, Anna Todd)

- I Band-Aided whatever was going on between us. The wound underneath it had festered and become too raw and painful to ignore. I realised Adam had had me without really having me for the past year, since our attraction had become too magnetic to ignore. He threw clandestine, half moon smiles my way like breadcrumbs to a bird, keeping me securely under his spell. Telling me I deserved better than the guys who asked me out, but never asking me out himself. And the worst part was that I'd listened. (Summer Fling Anthropology - LJ Shen)

- Broken people do things better, we learned how to make it in life without the missing parts other people have. Because when you're in the dark, you appreciate everything that shines (Blood to Dust - LJ Shen)

- No one truly notices me. I suppose that's what I like. When you are invisible you have all the amusement you want without any of the expectations popularity brings. It Frees you. (Bridgerton )

- Life just turns out to be a series of disappointments, with just enough time in between them for the next one to catch you by surprise (Morning Wars)

- I thought this level of success was not possible for me, I just wasn't going to achieve. And I convinced myself, actually. I guess I convinced myself that I didn't really want it. And that was a handful of pretty tough years for me (Morning Wars)

- I've had a crush on Conrad for like my whole life...and then I thought that maybe this summer he could like me back. But the thing is, what he liked was that I liked him. He never actually liked me and I'm sorry, I was stupid enough to think he ever could (The Summer I Turned Pretty)

- The World's distorted concept is that you have to get other people's Love before you can feel Love within. The Law of Love is different from the world's law. The law of Love is that you are Love, and that as you give Love to others you teach yourself what you are (Lessons for Personal Transformations).

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