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  • Writer's pictureRiley Henderson

I'm Done! I mean it this time....

"It's hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but it's harder to give up when you know it's everything you want"

I’m writing this purely because I feel if I put it on paper it may actually be true. I read this article the other day I’ll link it below because its certainly worth the read it's ‘The 7 stages of wanting someone you cant have” its incredibly relate-able. I’ve been stuck in Obsession/Denial/Simmering for soo long now I can't even tell you.

I don't even want to like this person anymore, I hate it. The worst part is I tell myself I’m over it, then he goes and does something or says something and I am back to square one. I wish I could say that wasn’t the case but it is and I decided a couple months ago, I was going to ignore him and try and move on, guess what it had the desired effect now he makes all the effort and goes out of his way. He’s the kind of guy that likes the chase, but doesn’t make a move and since there is no effort on my part we are stuck in this bizarre cat and mouse chase.

So here I am defeated, I’m done! I don’t want to be in this situation anymore which is easier said than done. We work together and I really like my job soo quitting is not an option and unfortunately it is not in his near future either. But I am finally putting the words to paper and their leaving my head soo maybe this is the reassurance that may help. So the resolution I have reached….

I am done, I don’t want a future with this guy, I don’t want to him to constantly be on my mind, I don’t want to feel the way I do. Soo I’m forcing myself not to….I know that is a lot easier said than done, but that's the direction I want to be in, that's what I at least want to happen.

Its been months now and he hasn’t made that move, if he genuinely liked me, he would have….soo I’m taking my own advice for once and I’m moving myself out of the equation.

There is nothing that should keep me involved anymore….nothing worth holding onto anyway.

I deserve someone who wants to make the effort, who actually asks me out or goes that tiny little step. Some guy who makes all the effort but doesn’t take the conscious effort to move forward isn’t worth it and I'm wasting my time sitting around waiting for it to happen. Because I know it won’t (he probably has some other chick on his mind anyway). So I’m saying it here once and for all I’m done. I’m out. He’s gone.

…..Okay I realise I think I’ve just said that repeatedly throughout this entire post…soo its fairly evident that hasn’t quite happened yet. By saying it enough and putting it into practice that is where I want to be…soo here's to the day I’m officially done!!

Have you ever felt the same way?

Credit to this…check it out:

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