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  • Writer's pictureRiley Henderson

Medical Medium by Anthony William (Lifestyle Change)

Updated: Feb 10, 2021


This is way more than a book!!! If your open and willing this book is a Lifestyle. As a nurse myself, having read and understood the medical medium protocols and his explanations on the true causes of disease and the effects of viruses, toxic heavy metals and the viral load that are the true causes of chronic health problems (eg. chronic fatigue, autoimmune disorders, high blood pressure & cholesterol, inflammation, and soooo much more).

The true causes and everything Anthony William's explains is everything that the medical field is years behind understanding - plus the fact the answers are soo incredibly simple pharmaceutical companies will not benefit from the findings; thus studies will are not funded!

Going to work at the hospital on a daily basis with the understanding I have from reading and following these protocols, despite helping people, the truth of what I now know - puts into perspective how little the Medical field, I am apart of fails to treat and fix the health problems that plague our society.

The medical field treats SYMPTOMS, the true causes of illness and disease are soo unbeknown to Doctors that they never treat the TRUE UNDERLYING CAUSES. Thus the same people are readmitted to hospital time and time again with the SAME SYMPTOM and PROBLEMS never being truly addressed - as we send people home after a procedure or a medication change, that temporarily fixes the health problems but never the real issue.

This is the current inevitable turn table the medical field is at it's core - NOW before you critique everything I just said - I love my job, hospitals, medicines and diagnosis is better today than it ever was in history, one of which I am proud to be apart of BUT the truth too the effect of viruses and disease is years from being acknowledged, funded and treated in mainstream hospitals.

Which is why the beginning starts with US.

Here is my family's back story and how we found the Medical Medium. Growing up, my parents brought us up with the addition of alternative medicine to mainstream medicine. We saw Naturopaths, Chinese medicine practitioners to compliment the Doctors we would see when we were sick. So despite the mass amounts of skepticism the alternative medicine world is met with - to my brother and I it was never very foreign. My Dad with his interest in all things non-fiction found the Medical Medium at a time when my Brother (aged 20) was struggling with a heavy onset of EBV contracting Mono for the first time.

When he first become sick, we didn't know why, he was chronically unwell for over 6 months, he saw Doctor after Doctor, was on multiple rounds of antibiotics all with zero effect. He would constantly cry complaining how his brain was 'foggy' about how he felt 'dumb and unable to go about even the simplest of tasks'. It was at this point that we found the Medical Medium. My Dad suffered from high blood pressure which was also another contributing factor to why Medical Medium quickly became a reason for our entire family to get on board.

As opposed to fighting over the last piece of cake, it soon became the last celery stalk we were fighting over every morning. It is coming onto nearly a year we have all been celery juicing everyday. We DON'T touch EGGS, DAIRY or CORN. Gluten we have from time to time, but we try to limit the amount we eat on a regular basis. The effect as been exponentially worth it!! We also take various supplements that are recommended, they are varying depending on what your symptoms/health concerns are which is explained in the book.

Since following the protocols my Dad's blood pressure has more than halved (this is a 60 year old man - so high BP is not uncommon territory at this age - all because viral load and toxins which the medical field still struggles with, Doctors will put patients on a varying cocktail of beta blockers and diuretics to regulate blood pressure but do they know or fix the underlying cause...). My Brother has since more than halved the EBV symptoms he was suffering from, continuing to follow the protocols.

Here is my story - I started celery juicing at the same time as my family, a few months before I was due to spend 2 months travelling overseas. During which I choice to enjoy everything Europe had to offer, forgoing many of the things highlighted in Medical Medium. When I returned (after an amazing time). I had a pretty bad cold, I was sick for a few days but it went away and I returned to normal life at home. A few weeks later, I was well no cold or flu symptoms but my throat and neck blew up like a balloon, it was incredibly swollen. I went to the Doctors where I was tested for EBV and not surprisingly enough I had an acute infection, my liver function test were soo bad my DR. was shocked (I personally had never seen a patient with numbers as bad as mine were). Doctors orders included to - go home and rest keep your fluids up and you will recover. There is no tablet or cure or treatment for a viral infection.

Already celery juicing everyday since I returned home - it was at this point that I followed Medical Mediums advice about EBV and protocols every single day. I was taking various vitamin and immune supplements daily, lemon water and celery juice upon waking, followed by the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie every single day and cut nearly all fat out of my diet. In addition to an abundance of fruits and vegetables in my diet. 2 weeks later - I got my blood results retested - to recheck my liver function. My doctor was expecting the values to halve and but continue to still be incredibly high based on what they were the first time. 2 WEEKS following all the Medical Medium protocols and my liver function tests were better than one of my doctors regular 'healthy' patients. They were lower than the normal range having been more than 10 times* there initial value. (YES my numbers were in the 400-500 range lowering to less than 30). The swelling in my neck reduced in mere days after rest and recovery. But 2 weeks was all it took for my blood work to return to normal all of which could not have been possible if I did not follow all the protocols that I did. Of course the chronic and long term effects of EBV are still a possibility soo I continue to maintain daily celery juice, I prefer a more plant based diet (but that is largely personal preference) and avoid all the foods that feed viruses.

For my family it is now the way we choose to live our everyday lives, incorporating as many of the Medical Medium protocols and we have tried many of his recipes. The healing broth soup is quite the staple in our fridge. We don't eat eggs soo I have recently been experimenting with no egg baking - the problem with a lot of vegan recipes I find is the increase in fat content - which is yes, better 'healthier' fats - but fats themselves slow the liver, soo I try to minimise the amount in moderation. Despite the constant skepticism I receive from my friends this is the way I will continue to live my life as the benefits continue to out way the criticism I receive and it 10-20 years when viral load and heavy metals are double in everyone else, I will have been spending those 10-20 years trying to continue to reduce these levels. For me this works and I look forward to the positive effects it will have on my health in the future.

If you struggle with mystery symptoms, chronic illness or stress/anxiety and soo much more, this book can change you life.

** For vegan baking and my creations check out the baking section in the Lifestyle Blog

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