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  • Writer's pictureRiley Henderson

The Hunter By LJ Shen (Boston Belles No.1)


I just finished re-reading Hunter for the second time!! I didn’t think it was possible to fall in love with Hunter more than I already had…..but I nooo it is 110% possible!!

Hunter is the tale of a notorious playboy who, by all sense of reason can never be tamed; who is forced into a deal to save his future with the only catch the woman who is required to prove his unanimity. How his sense of control, humility and restraint begin to waver is only the beginning. Soon the real bet begins between Sailor and Hunter…..and this time the arrow is going straight through the centre.

It’s undeniably impossible not to fall for Hunter’s charm, witt and the things that come out of his mouth and Sailor is all the best parts of Troy and Sparrow (Sparrow is the unofficial prequel to The Hunter, if you haven’t read it, it’s well and truly worth it!). Sailor is one of LJ’s strongest female protagonists yet, her tongue is just as sharp as her arrow.

‘I knew with certainty that for all his spoiled ways, corrupted behaviour, and obsession with pleasure, he was innately good, loyal and courageous. Those things made him very dangerous to me. Dangerously attractive.’

Hunter gave me Dean vibes!! What they portray to the world is one thing, but behind the façade the warmth and depth of character is infallible. This book was like the meeting of all my favourite people in one room!! The opening line with Knight had me reminiscing already; followed by a side of Vicious that had be crawling at his mercy.

Having read (I was going to try and down play my fan girl status….but noo the answer is all). Having read all of LJ’s books, getting half-way through this one the usual illegitimate child, broken parental marriage, unbeknown present biological father; I thought I was ahead of the game. I should have known better than to get to cocky and assume I knew best….as usual the turn of events, amaze and astound in the best possible way. Full of the usual romance stereotypes in the best possible way!!

Not only Hunters favourite word – But the their little bet system had me begging for more. I was ready to throw all caution to the wind, as I sat on the edge of my seat hoping Sailor would say yes every time a proposition found it’s way into her lap.

The one thing I always look forward to is the nicknames LJ gives our leading ladies. Carrot Top had me reminiscing back to the class room where Gilbert throws his chalk board of Anne’s head with the unequivocal ‘CARROTS’ - which had Anne of Green Gables seeing red. This same insufferable angst and envy she captures with Hunter and Sparrow right until the very end, made me adore their relationship even more.


That brings us to the squeal which couldn’t come out soon enough!! Tomorrow is too long a wait. We have a Four Boston Belles sorted – Belle, Persy and Aisling. It can be pretty easily assumed our Monster is Sam and Aisling (Which I cannot wait for!). But the mystery centers around which of our twins is the one to tame our insufferable Rake, Cillian.I can only hope that Cillian is the reincarnation of MY leading man Vicious, in any way shape or form I’ll take it!! Seen as villain to the world, but what lies behind Cillian’s eyes we are yet to find out….the longing glares were shown Belle’s way, but LJ doesn’t stray from a sister inception, if were talking Emilia and Rosie - just cause their the first doesn’t mean they are the last. So many questions I CANNOT wait for the answers!!!!

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